
I have always been a planner... I love making lists and especially love crossing things off once they are done! Unfortunately, I am a planner who procrastinates and my meal planning would often suffer for it! I've made lists of groceries I've never bought for meals I've never made and leftovers I've never enjoyed. When it was just me & my husband, my occasional lack of planning wasn't a big deal as we would just go out to eat or have quesadillas (again!) Once we had kids planning meals became SO much more important. There's no way I would want to eat out regularly right now (plus, our budget doesn't have room for it!) so supper swap has been a lifesaver for me! My husband Kurt works an hour away (sometimes longer if traffic is really horrible) and I hated that last hour before he got home while I tried to come up with a tasty meal and keep everyone happy. With supper swap, I know what's for dinner and can enjoy that time with my kids after I pop something in the oven or put it on the bbq. I LOVE how stress-free dinner preparation has become and knowing that I have a healthy, homemade meal to give my family. Plus, we've all enjoyed the variety that comes when dinner gets made by 3 different people from 3 different families! I can't imagine not swapping now... I'm seriously spoiled!